2G—Second Generation—and the Persistence of Memory

Apologies to Salvador Dali, whose painting title I’ve borrowed for this post.

Now that Eva and Eve is out in the world, I am doing book talks with centers for Holocaust remembrance. As a representative of the Second Generation, that is, the children of survivors, my perspective is that of growing up in a home where a parent was still living with the memory of Nazi terror.

Leo Baeck Institute interview

I’d like to share links to two events I’ve done recently. The first was at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, my research partner for Eva and Eve. Michael Simonson and I talked about the importance of objects in remembrance: photographs and other souvenirs of happier times my grandparents brought with them to America, and of course, my mother’s Poesiealbum, the autograph book that started my search into her childhood.

Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County interview

Thorin Tritter, director of The Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center of Nassau County invited me to speak on April 12. We also spoke about how objects from the past keep memory alive for the next generation, the mission of his museum.

Links to interviews:
Leo Baeck Institute, April 8, 2021
Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County, April 12

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